Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Resolutions

Well, I am getting a head start on the new year with a few resolutions that I have already been working on but are being built into my whole life. Here goes:

1. I resolve to write. I have explained this in a past blog entry but suffice it to say I want to leave a written picture and profile for my children and future generations of their heritage in my words.

2. I resolve to learn and live the Word. Aside from my calling to pastoral ministry there is an even greater call to be the living stone mentioned in 1 Peter 2:1-12.

3. I resolve to preach the Word. My calling as a pastor is to preach the Word not psychology, popular opinion, or the gospel according to Disney.

4. I resolve to learn church history. This has become even more important since taking a position leading a non-denominational church. I need to know and teach where we have come from and how we have developed theologically and Biblically. The church has too many people leading out of passion and ignorance alone. I don't want to be one of them.

5. I resolve to read. Maybe this is assumed from some of the previous resolutions, but it still needs to be stated.

6. I resolve to lead my family. Deuteronomy 6:4-9

7. I resolve to make disciples of Jesus. This is confession, repentance, and resolve that the unintended result of intentional discipleship has been that disciples of Lance have been made. This should not be. The only one worth following is Jesus.

8. I resolve to play Yahtzee. These have been too serious so far and the mood needs to be lightened. The best game ever is Yahtzee, and I play it at least 10 times a day on my phone.

9. I resolve to develop my grasp and understanding of Christian Theology.

10. I resolve to kill an elk! This comes from my desire to feed my family the most lean and delicious meat in the world, not to mention the whole kill and eat thing:)

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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